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Showing posts from June, 2019

Don’t Buy or Sell Miles Using a “Mileage Broker”

When we open any online market of miles, we generally see an ad from a mileage broker. These guys are the scalpers of the airline industry, offering to buy your miles or sell you a really cheap business or first class ticket. They are not a good person. They will use your miles to get an award ticket for someone else, making a profit on the difference.   My advice is to avoid these guys altogether. This will help you to sell miles safely. Issues In Marketing Miles By Using Mileage Brokers :- Marketing miles for earning a profit is not an ethical activity. If the airline company founds you guilty, the airline will void the ticket and shut down the frequent flyer account.  That means that if you’re the seller, you’ll lose all your miles.  If you’re the buyer, you’ll lose the tickets you just bought on the cheap.   You have no idea who is buying your miles and what they are doing with them.  The broker has a party on the other side of the tra...

Key Considerations for Improving Your Credit Score

We all use credit cards of different companies. It helps you to meet out the expenses when there is an inadequate balance in your account. You get ratings and points which reflects your creditworthiness and amount of company’s faith in you. When you earn these credit card points, you can use them for different places like for buying airline tickets. You can also sell your American express points for cash. But for that, you need to raise your creditworthiness. And it will only possible if you will look at the following key considerations. Credit Reporting Agencies Aren’t Always Correct Before making any adjustments to your financial behaviors, make sure that credit reporting agencies have correct information about you. Keep Your Debt-To-Credit Ratio in Check While your payment history plays the biggest role in calculating your score, the second-most important factor is how much you owe relative to how much credit you have available. Consider Asking For a Credit...

Get Quick Quotes for Your Airline Miles

What Are Airline Miles? Airline miles are normally provided by your airline's reward program every time you make a purchase with your airline. They can also be gained by using any credit card that is affiliated with your airline. These miles might also be called frequent flier miles or frequent flier points. These miles or points can later be redeemed later for tickets, first class bookings, upgrading your flight, speedy bookings and a host of other exciting options as well. That is pretty much the gist of what airline miles are and how they can be used. Sell Miles for Cash There are a fair number of online sites that allow you to sell miles for cash. You only need to visit them and follow a simple process to get started. Typically the site requires you to fill a form specifying the number of miles, the airlines and a few other details after which you receive a quoted price for your miles. Once the transaction is done you receive your money according to your m...

Use American Express Points for Maximum Value

What Are American Express Points? American Express points are digital scores that you get for using the credit cards of the company. When you use any credit card and have customer relations with the company then you get rewards in the form of points. Just like that American express gives their customer’s points which are known as American express points. There is a number of people who said:” sell my American express points ”. It is not an easy job to transfer and redeem your points for cash. People face lots of problems and difficulties for realizing good value for their digital points. Here are some good ways and methods for using American express points to earn maximum value:- Redeem points for cash or gifts : - you can exchange your points for cash or gif cards, but keep in mind that this is usually a pretty terrible value compared to other redemption options. Use points to check out online at major retailers : - when you checkout online at the growing list of maj...