Almost all of us have frequent flyer airline miles that we are probably never going to use. They end up sitting around in our frequent flyer accounts, kind of like the spare change from foreign countries that you take home and then end up never using. What if you could donate that "spare change", those unused frequent flyer miles? Donating unused miles is a good thing to do. Here we are going to suggest you the right ways and place for donating your miles if you do not want to sell miles now . Most major charities now accept frequent flyer miles to be used to support their programs. All you have to do is get on their website, and fill out a couple of forms, and the air miles in your account will be transferred into the frequent flyer account of the charity. You will be helping charities like Make a Wish foundation get people to the places they need to be, so they can get the medical care they need. Or your donation will go towards having the spouse of an injured vete...